Friday, October 10, 2008


樂觀與憂愁︰射手座人的內心不是外表看上去那麼樂觀的,因為喜歡看的遠,容易擔憂的事情也就多,在他們的字典裡,即使現下好,也不一定代表未來好,有時候 很多人覺得很好的一個工作或一個伴侶,他們很輕易的就會放棄掉,可能只是因為一個毫不起眼的小原因。所以,這樣的外在表現,就讓人們覺得他們不喜歡被某件 事情或某個人束縛住,追求自由的,沒有壓力的感覺。

現實︰常說射手座是追求夢想的人,但往往忽略了他們現實的一面,算計起來不會比處女座差哦,只是更高明更隱藏罷了。射手座人的夢想是必須建立在現實的基礎 上的,一般他們很少談及自己的夢想,而是實際的去做一些向夢想靠攏的事情。如果可以借巧力完成的事情,決不會多花一點工夫。所以有時候射手座也容易給人耍 小聰明的感覺。可是,不得不承認他們完成的還滿不錯。也許終其一生,他們都在考慮怎么巧妙的做一些事情,花最少的精力去達到最好的效果。所以,很多射手座 看上去讓人們會覺得很懶,但是其實他們的大腦可沒有停下過思考現實的事情。

拒絕低俗︰幾乎所有的射手座內心都是驕傲的,其程度絕不亞於獅子座。只不過他們不會顯現下臉上,外在的表現總是隨和的,恰當的。可是內在有著極強的自尊 心,敏感也情緒化。因為射手座人心中是驕傲的,所以他們拒絕低俗,不喜歡任何俗氣的、粗魯的事或人。如果可以,他們希望一切有關的事物,都是優雅的、高尚 的,值得品味的。而真正能讓他們覺得值得交朋友或談戀愛的人是很少的,雖然表面上他們是很隨和的。

多情︰很多人說射手座多情,尤其是男性。其實在射手座人的心目中,對於愛情確實有理想化的傾向,和他們談戀愛,是一件高難度的事情。他們非常討厭俗氣的 人,所以你不能很物質或喜歡談錢,但是他們又很現實,所以你不能一文不名,各方面也必須有一定的實力。物質與精神,你必須平衡的剛剛好,才讓他們覺得你值 得去愛。或者,你有足夠的神祕感,可以讓他們不知道你的缺點在那裡,而盲目的愛你。一般,當然是沒有完美無缺的人的,所以,可能象金牛座這樣永遠會讓射手 感覺捉摸不透的悶悶的人,會非常吸引他們;或者象雙子那樣,足夠機智,懂得察言觀色,捕捉他們的情緒,才會讓他們感覺到愛情的甜蜜。

一般射手的感情模式是,第一階段,你們還不熟悉,他(她)愛上了你,非常熱情。第二階段,你們逐漸熟悉,而他(她)開始龜毛,整天挑剔你的毛病,無論是背 地裡還是當面。如果你有幸透過他(她)的挑剔過程,基本挑剔出的毛病為零或者你把缺點守密的非常好;那麼進入第三階段,他們就又是忠誠和熱情的愛人了。但 是基本能透過第二階段的人非常少,所以有了射手多情一說。其實射手對戀人的挑剔,是源於對愛情的挑剔,對喪失自由感的恐懼。


射手座是大孩子,天真與善良,遇到愛情時,可能讓人感覺不認真,付出的比誰都少。可是,知道嗎?射手座很想愛,卻也很怕愛﹗剛開始他們只是慢慢的付出,謹 慎的,好怕自己會受傷。可是在一句一句的愛,一天一天的相處下,射手座把帶刺的防備丟掉,開始罔顧一切的去愛他們所愛的人,在別人眼中,只是射手座為了達 到某種目的而作的行動。

可射手座不介意,他會在自己福祉的想像中陶醉,希望對方能感受自己的愛,想對方覺得與自己一齊是福祉的。在射手座愛上了一個人,他會把自己放到最後。有苦 自己承擔,可能會因為吵了一場小架而不開心,卻也是最快認錯,無論誰的錯,他們都會包容,知道嗎?射手座會因為深愛一個人而原諒他的背叛,會因為你的一句 話付出很多。他們愛玩,在玩的同時,也希望把那一份好心情帶給你,射手座是樂觀的。

人們總覺得射手座的世界很快樂,可是呢?射手座難過時沒有人知道,他不想讓別人可憐自己,射手座不堅強,可是很善良。在你難過時哄你開心,讓你有依靠,分 手後,他會哭者去想屬於你們倆福祉的回憶,也不想愛的人因為同情而勉強和他一齊。他比誰都希望自己愛的人快樂福址,卻常常忽略了自己,全身都是傷也笑著告 訴你,我很好不用擔心。在所有人看到他的笑容以為他沒事,卻不知道失戀對射手座有多大傷害,華麗的外表下有一顆脆弱的需要別人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你 的一點關心,心思細膩的射手座會記得你對他的好,把自己的愛毫無保留的送給你,射手座是不被了解的,可他們不會怨誰。他們會傻傻的認為,讓我承擔吧,別讓 別人也受到傷害。


Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Birthday...

Happy birthday to you, Yap Siew Wei!!!

I've so many friends who are turning another year elder in this month. Well, i remember some of their birthdays but not all. I remember those closer friend ones. I've realized that there are quite a number of friends are from my primary school though I've not seen or even spoken to them in ages. Hehe. Ahh, luckily there are Friendster and Facebook which link my friends and I and at least I can see how are they doing lately.

Upcoming Birthdays:
08102008 - Shiaw Weei, Peggy, and Wenda
09102008 - Shao Xian and Ying Rou
10102008 - Chui Fong, Kei Ying, and Jiun Kai
11102008 - Fei Xung
12102008 - Hock Soon
13102008 - Eik Hung and Wai Hoe
14102008 - Weng Seong
15102008 - Gary Ng, Suganthy, CJ and Chia Hau
16102008 - Kenneth Liew and Riza
18102008 - Ying Suan
19102008 - Chee Yang and Seng Giap

Happy birthday to all of you :)
Take best care & stay healthy.

Will update soon :)


I posted "struggling for her AS finals." last week in Facebook but there wasn't any comment and just now I retyped the same sentence for my status in Facebook and here's the comments I've received. I didn't actually expect anyone to leave a comment. But there goes I've received 19 comments (including mine) from unexpected ones. Haha, thanks anyway ;)

Here's my comments from my bro, Shung Lee, Valerie Wearn, Suat Lin, Choo Ling Jiejie and I.

Shyanne is struggling for her AS FINALS!!!
8:47pm - 19 Comments
Eric Tan at 9:06pm October 6
concentrate and focus, keep yourself away from the computer then you will not be struggling.
Shung Lee at 9:11pm October 6
do everything the opposite of wat ur bro did. you will pass with flying rainbow colours!
Shyanne Kelly Tan at 9:12pm October 6
Eric Tan at 9:13pm October 6
stop giving bad influence to my sister!!
Shung Lee at 9:13pm October 6
Shung Lee at 9:14pm October 6
i didnt ask her to drink also? :/
Eric Tan at 9:14pm October 6
now you know the pain not knowing Chinese, consult your sister!
Shung Lee at 9:14pm October 6
i'm sure she agreed with what i said. in mandarin :P
Eric Tan at 9:15pm October 6
Shung Lee at 9:18pm October 6
hahahahahaha i dont need mandarin classes. only my intuition! hahahahahahaha
Eric Tan at 9:20pm October 6
dont delete your comments, i am sure many people will find it funny!
Valerie Wearn at 9:21pm October 6
lol...yes it is~~
SuatLin Teh at 9:22pm October 6
kelly we r having the same prob. n i'm still slacking. lol
Eric Tan at 9:24pm October 6
hi-5 valerie, *piak*
Valerie Wearn at 9:27pm October 6
haha '5' man!!
Shung Lee at 9:28pm October 6
ChooLing Phua at 10:41pm October 6
ChooLing Phua at 10:42pm October 6
kelly... gambateh.. jie jie support u morally...
i bring u go drink n eat after your exam!!
call me ok?
hugs.. ;p
Shyanne Kelly Tan at 11:37pm October 6
Eric Tan @ Poppy / Kupi - Don't worry. m studying smart now. I'm with my computer, reading some notes from here :P
Shung Lee - Chinese is important. Your intuition goes wrong in this case. =]
Valerie Wearn - How did you manage to get what my chinese comment mean? Hehe, you must have asked someone. hahaha
Suat Lin - Stop slacking, don't go swimming. Study Smart !!
Jie, I'll text you when I'm done with my papers =)
Thanks for all the comments. *cant stop laughing* Hugs.. =D

I couldn't stop laughing after reading it. Hahaha...

Will update soon =)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back to College

Ahhhhh, holidays are ending soon, so soon, in a few hours time!! Need to get my arse back to college for another 5 days then I'll be having another eleven days to do my revision - 10th Oct - 20th Oct. Then the week after next is AS FINALS...FINALS!!!! ( wish me luck =] )

Oh yeah, NO MORE PROCRASTINATION and SLACKING AWAY because TIME is really running out... Time flies...

And all I need to do is go far far far far far away from the computer!

Friends out there, don't try to distract me or try to lure me to go out okay?! You know I get distracted easily, don't you? hehehe. Don't worry, I'll catch up with you guys right after my AS FINALS!!!!! Be patient yeah ;P And please don't forget to wish me luck, pray hard for me if you're free. I'd be thankful if you do, if you didn't, at least wish me luck and there would be enough for me. Hahaha.

Will update soon =)


Ahh, I'm having problems with this blog. I've no idea of why is the purple still there with me =.=" And i have been changing the color from blue to green, green to orange, orange to yellow, yellow to pink....... Again and again and again. I'm just so unfamiliar with this thingy. Haha, can't blame. I don't even remember when was the last time i blogged. Lol...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Favorite flag :)

Hey, I'm here with a blog. It's strange but anyway I'm starting to blog from now on. I won't be blogging very often but I"ll update my blog whenever I'm FREE!! Alright, I've no idea of what to post about right now. Haha. Oh yeah, i might post in Chinese too. Sorry to those who can't read in Chinese =)

Okay... Here's my favorite flag of all time
- Italy!!! I just love the combination of the flag and it looks simple. Green, white and red. It reminds me of someone in college - Ita. Haha, don't laugh if you're (FeiFeis) reading this.


Will update soon :)